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COHV Kids Relate
Gifts to Heal 2023
A Kansas City Non- Profit Organization
Mission To restore love, faith, and hope to parentless children; and to conquer adversaries by providing resources and a community of support.
Vision To impact, support, and introduce children of homicide victims to healing and violence prevention in aim to tackle mental health issues and decrease the generational cycles of violence in our communities.
Kansas City's People Choice Awards
2020 Best Non-Profit Organization
Programs developed to assist victim's children and families with mental and financial burdens.
E.P.I.C Healing
E.P.I.C Healing is a group session focusing on Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, and Character-based Healing. COHV Kids attend monthly to develop and learn skills and tools for grief recovery.
Adopt-A-COHV Kid
GIFTS to Heal
Every Christmas Season children apart of COHV are adopted by community members. COHV Kids send their sponsors wish list and receive gifts to help their grieving hearts for the holidays and assist families in financial burdens.
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